Wednesday 11 December is the date for the next TTA training session on Large Format Wall & Floor Tiles & Panels in Internal Tiling. The event will be held at Instarmac in Tamworth. It will follow three highly successful training sessions on Large Format Tiles held previously at TTA head office, at BAL and most recently at Mapei (pictured).
These training days are proving to be very popular – so those interested in attending should contact TTA now.

The training will include practical demonstrations on the handling, cutting and fixing of large format tiles and panels, giving participants the opportunity to boost their skill set with hands-on learning.
It is open to TTA members and non-members alike and the costs are £50 + VAT for TTA members and £70 + VAT for non-members. Levy-paying employers will be able to reclaim this from CITB. Pre-registration is essential and participants should bring their own PPE.
All participants will receive an Attendance Certificate and a copy of TTA’s recently updated publication “Large Format Wall & Floor Tiles & Panels in Internal Tiling”.
For more information please email or telephone: 0300 365 8453
TTA is a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO), which means that the training courses that TTA provides are run to a defined and industry-agreed standard. The Large Format course is one of a number of short duration training courses approved and designed to upskill professional tilers. They are open to both experienced and inexperienced tilers, as well as students and lecturers.
TTA is also publicising future sessions of its Large Format training course. These will take place as follows:
Instarmac, Tamworth – Wednesday 11 December
South & City College Birmingham – Tuesday 18 February
Weber, Bedford – Tuesday 17 March
Leeds College – Wed 15 April