The TTA’s Trailblazer Apprenticeship Working Group is making good progress on the Wall and Floor Tile Fixer qualification – with the Standard for this now to be shared with the industry for information and consultation. The feedback so far from the Department of Business, Innovation & Skills and the CITB is very positive.
Once approved the new Apprenticeship will play a major role in providing opportunities for young people who are interested in joining the industry and also in driving up skill levels of new entrants to the industry for the benefit of companies and employers.
The TTA is now to carry out an industry survey as part of its work towards creating the new Apprenticeship. The survey will take the form of a Survey Monkey, the link for which will be emailed out during the coming week to readers of Tilezine and to all TTA members. When the standard for the new Apprenticeship is submitted to the Department for Education for approval, a key criterion is that the industry group making the application has consulted widely within the sector. Therefore it is important that as many people as possible complete the survey which will be based on a just a few questions.
In other news from the TTA committees, it has been agreed that the Supply Chain and Fixer Training Committees will now combine, as there are many common elements to both committees. They will focus on the training requirements and provision to the whole of the tiling industry.
The TTA is also linking with other Trailblazer Apprenticeship Working Groups with a view to developing the Supply Chain, Logistics and Tile Retail qualifications.