Mosa has won the category for Best Innovation with its Pattern Generator and Mosa Viewer.
The Mosa Pattern Generator is an online design tool that enables the user to design tile pattern for walls and floors simply and quickly. Besides being a unique design tool, the Pattern Generator is the ultimate BIM appliance. The Mosa Viewer is an Augmented-Reality app that you can use to experience a tile or tiled surface in detail in the desired colour and/or format. You can also project a tiled surface into a space and change the grid, viewable with or without a VR headset.
Typically building products are only available as single BIM objects. This means that you have to copy, paste and position these single products in order to create a floor or wall surface. In recognition that this is a complicated process, Mosa has tried to make it easier. Mosa tiles are available as both single objects and layered objects for surfaces. The user can create these layered objects for standard or custom tile surfaces with solutions like the Mosa Pattern Generator. The Mosa Viewer allows you to experience the tile within a space, giving you a broader impression.