Published 13th April 2022 / General

We were deeply saddened to hear from Phil Gordon that his father, Jim Gordon, passed away on 30th January 2022, aged 84. 

Jim was involved in the wet leisure industry for over 35 years. He was appointed as a SPATA representative on to the TTA Technical Working Group, which produced the TTA publication Design & Construction Process for Swimming Pools. This Working Group met on various occasions over two years, during which Jim was a vital contributor and his involvement was much appreciated.

He handed over the reins of his business (Jim Gordon Associates LLP) to his son three years ago but was still active in the wet leisure industry on a part-time basis.

Phil recalls that he was fastidious in all the projects he was involved with. When it came to swimming pool tiling and construction, the guidance published by The Tile Association was followed without exception and Phil continues to follow in his father’s footsteps!

Those of you who worked with Jim knew him as a no-nonsense type of person (a proud Yorkshireman!) but always willing to help others in the industry. Jim’s enthusiasm and technical knowledge will be greatly missed by the industry and everyone at The Tile Association.


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